The dynamics of changes of the stability of living systems


This note is devoted to the peculiarities of hierarchical thermodynamics which is applied to describe the evolution of living systems [1-4]. These features are associated with the integral nature of the thermodynamic description of the origin of life and its evolution, as well as phylogeny and ontogeny.

In fact, we are talking about the features of structural kinetic quasi-equilibrium thermodynamics, which considers the functions of the state, which with a good approximation have the real physical sense.

Hierarchical thermodynamics allows us to study the dynamics (the thermodynamic kinetics) of the averaged ("the blurred") thermodynamic stability of the various chemical and biological hierarchies in evolution, phylogeny and ontogeny (aging). Said the thermodynamic stability of the structure of each of the biological hierarchy can be estimated using the value of the specific Gibbs function of the formation of this structure in the standard terms. This approach, as thinks Professor G. Ali Mansoori, perhaps connects with a certain "philosophical study of evolution."

Approaches hierarchical thermodynamics are essentially averages, but they allow us to identify trend changes in the structure of complex biological quasi-closed thermodynamic systems. Without this averaging thermodynamics cannot be applied to study the chemical and biological evolution. Note also that the use of statistical thermodynamics to describe complex heterogeneous living objects (such as tissues of organisms) is hardly possible.

The principle of substance stability (which is a qualitative thermodynamic principle [5, 6]) confirms that our approach is correct. The validity of this principle is proved on an experimental basis*. The principle is evident when comparing the chemical and supramolecular stability lipid fractions of tissues of organisms. In this case (in rough approximation) we can compare the melting temperatures of individual lipid fractions for the antiaging value evaluation of foods. [7] The principle of substance stability justifies the existence of a single genetic code on the planet and in the universe [8].

Thus, I believe that only a phenomenological thermodynamics, using the generalized Gibbs equation [3, 4], can take into account spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes in quasi-closed complex living systems and investigate the evolution of these systems.

Note that there are many models that are devoted to a detailed study of the structures in the physical - chemical systems. These models are complex and usually reveal only some trends in the evolution of local structures at the nanoscale complex systems [9]. The use of these models for the creation of general model of biological evolution, phylogeny and ontogeny on the macro-level is apparently difficult.

Let us consider a specific example of the macrothermodynamic model.  When it comes to comparison of changing the averaged supramolecular or chemical relative stability in the evolution of living systems we consider Figure 1, presented in [5] and other publications. Despite the many our postulates and different approaches, the available data are in good agreement with our theory. This fact is presented in many publications [1-7].

Thus, our approach allows us to make many predictions about the thermodynamic trends of changing of chemical and biological structures during the origin of life and its evolution. This approach is particularly effective in describing the development and aging of living systems [7], as well as creating antiaging diets and solving some problems of physiology [10].


1. Gladyshev Georgi P. Thermodynamics Theory of the Evolution of Living Beings.- Commack, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.- 1997.- 142 P.

2. Гладышев Г.П. Супрамолекулярная термодинамика – ключ к осознанию явления жизни.   Что такое жизнь с точки зрения физикохимика. Издание второе. – Москва – Ижевск: Институт компьютерных исследований.  «Регулярнаяихаотическаядинамика» 2003, – 144 с. Gladyshev G. P. Supramolecular thermodynamics is a key to understanding phenomenon of life. What is Life from a Physical Chemist’s Viewpoint Second Ed. – Moscow-Izhevsk: “Regular and Chaotic Dynamics”, 2003. – 144 p.

3. Г.П. Гладышев. Термодинамика сложных природных систем

4. Г.П. Гладышев. Иерархическая термодинамика формирует дизайн окружающего мира

5. Georgi P. Gladyshev. The Principle of Substance Stability Is Applicable to All Levels of Organization of Living Matter. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2006, 7, 98-110.

6. GeorgiP. Gladyshev.Термодинамика и возникновение жизни Принцип стабильности вещества и возникновение жизни

7. Г.П. Гладышев. Термодинамическая теория эволюции и старения. Успехи геронтологии. 2012. Т. 25. № 3. С. 373–385 Перевод на английский: AdvancesinGerontology, - 2013.

8. Г.П. Гладышев. Иерархическая термодинамика устанавливает единый код жизни во Вселенной

9. G. Ali Mansoori and Stuart A. Rice. Confined fluids: Structure, properties and phase behavior. Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 156, 2014.

10. Georgi P. Gladyshev   Thermodynamics optimizes the physiology of life

*Addition information. See:

Correlations and principle of substance stability: